Uppsala universitet är ett svenskt statligt universitet i Uppsala. Uppsala universitet har alltsedan stormaktstiden utvecklats till ett av Europas främsta lärosäten och rankas regelbundet som ett av Webometrics - Ranking Web of Universities, 2018, # 113, # 27, # 2 (CWTS), Centre for Science and Technology Studies.


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Our most important assets are all the individuals that make Uppsala University one of the 100 best in the world. The Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala (Swedish Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala), is the oldest of the royal academies in Sweden, having been founded in 1710. The society has, by royal decree of 1906, 50 Swedish fellows and 100 foreign. Early members included Emanuel Swedenborg and Anders Celsius.. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences was founded in Stockholm 1739.

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Logo: to the web site of Uppsala University uu.se Uppsala University Publications. Simple search Advanced search - Research publications Advanced search - Student theses Statistics . English Svenska Norsk. Search Search. All publications: Research publications: Student theses Any future proposal to expand ISP to embrace additional fields of science will require thorough preceding needs and feasibility assessments. Evaluations of ISP. GHD (2011).

Tidskriften Turkic Languages (Harrassowitz, ISSN 1431-4983), utgiven av Lars Johanson, professor vid Universitetet i Mainz och docent vid Uppsala universitet, är nu indexerad av Web of Science’s Art and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) samt SCOPUS. Forskare i ämnet turkisk lingvistik vid Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi bidrar regelbundet till utgivningen av tidskriften som med

At Uppsala University, we study the universe at all scales, far and close-by: galaxies far away and our own Milky Way, distant stars and their exoplanets but also our Sun and its planets including Earth, and fundamental processes happening at atomic scale in … Uppsala University (Swedish: Uppsala universitet) is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden.Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world's 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses "Gratiae veritas naturae" as its motto and embraces Uppsala University International Science Swedish students can apply for Minor Field Study Scholarships through Uppsala University and carry out their field work in collaboration with ISP supported research groups or networks. Info and contacts .

Sedan starten 1827 har KTH utvecklats till ett av Europas ledande tekniska universitet och en viktig arena för kunskapsutveckling. Som Sveriges största 

Som forskare vid Uppsala universitet har du möjlighet att använda dig av två olika citeringsdatabaser, Web of Science och Scopus, eller av söktjänsten Google Scholar. Altmetri År 2010 dök hashtaggen #altmetrics upp när altmetrics.org lanserades. Uppsala universitet Universitetsbiblioteket Databaser A-Ö This page in English Lyssna För att läsa innehållet på denna sida måste du markera texten du vill ha uppläst och sedan klicka på symbolen som dyker upp bredvid muspekaren. Mina lån och lånekort; Använd biblioteket; Tidskriften Turkic Languages (Harrassowitz, ISSN 1431-4983), utgiven av Lars Johanson, professor vid Universitetet i Mainz och docent vid Uppsala universitet, är nu indexerad av Web of Science’s Art and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) samt SCOPUS. Forskare i ämnet turkisk lingvistik vid Institutionen för lingvistik och filologi bidrar regelbundet till utgivningen av tidskriften som med The journal Turkic Languages (Harrassowitz, ISSN 1431-4983), edited by Lars Johanson, Professor at Mainz University and docent at Uppsala University, is now included in the Web of Science’s Art and Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and SCOPUS. Researchers in Turkic linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and Philology regularly contribute to the publication as co-editors of the journal Uppsala University has campuses in Uppsala and Visby on the island Gotland. Some courses are taught at other locations in Sweden or abroad.

Uppsala universitet web of science

Social Sciences Citation Index This link opens in a new window This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database Medical Sciences. Research and Find valuable information for employees on the Departments internal web page. Uppsala University uses cookies to make your Our research is grouped into five themes: Computer Systems, Computing Science, Scientific Computing, Systems & Control and Visual Information & Interaction. Each of these themes is in itself a major subject area, where we both conduct basic research and have projects with links to applications in for example Engineering, Biology, Medicine, Economy and Psychology.
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Uppsala universitet web of science

The Uppsala science festival SciFest goes digital. March 1–6, 2021, researchers from Uppsala University and curious schoolchildren and adults from all over Sweden will meet for a variety of lectures, shows and activities. As a researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, you can now register your participation. Uppsala universitet deltar tillsammans med Teknikföretagen, IUC Syd, RISE, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Lunds universitet och Region Skåne. För att stötta samarbetet mellan akademi och industri satsar nu Vinnova, Vetenskapsrådet och Tillväxtverket på Big Science Sweden med 30 miljoner kronor under tre år.

About our Department. Find valuable information for employees on the Departments internal web page.
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Uppsala University International Science Swedish students can apply for Minor Field Study Scholarships through Uppsala University and carry out their field work in collaboration with ISP supported research groups or networks. Info and contacts . International Science Programme. Meet Stella from Kenya. ISP Flag counter. See from where our

Uppsala University has campuses in Uppsala and Visby on the island Gotland. Some courses are taught at other locations in Sweden or abroad. Flexible means distance learning courses, with no meetings at campus. Uppsala universitet har tillgång till alla standarder utgivna av SIS i fulltext (+ ett urval av andra standarder).

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Uthgård is Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science Students' union house! Here you can have Information from the universitymore_vert. access_time 20 

2020-08-26 Follow-up in June 2020 for the Joint Uppsala-Florence PhD Seminar "Science and the Knowing Body" 2020-03-12 Video of the Rausing Lecture 2019 – Bruno Latour 2020-03-12 Joint PhD Seminar Uppsala-Florence: "Science and the Knowing Body" 2019-04-12 Staffan Müller-Wille resident at the Office April-July 2018 Astronomy and Space Physics.